What a rush! The word on the street is this will be THE BEST Remnants of the Past ever! Top-notch vendors are driving in from all over the map. I have been talking with friends I have known and friends I have recently met on Facebook, and some started their trek this morning.
I want to send a big shout-out to all my colleagues who are driving from different states, a special welcome to those who will be at ROTP for the first time, as well as a warm greeting to all of the other veteran vendors. I am in awe of the wonderful amalgam of treasures and personalities.

Everyone has been gathering and saving their best treasures to bring to this event. Just type the word Remnants of the Past on Goggle and you will see how many people have been posting on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and every social media venue. We had to make our lodging reservations way in advance in order to secure a room and without a doubt every hotel near San Luis Obispo is booked.
This year ROTP will be held at the Alex Madonna Expo Center here and it will include many more vendors. We will miss the pastoral beauty of the Dana-Powers location, and want to publicly thank Judy Powers and family for hosting this event in the past. It may be near impossible to re-create the charm of such a wonderful site, but we will do our best to create an ambiance of beauty and magic! Because this new site can accomodate more vendors and has plenty of space, it will be so much more convenient for customers and issues of parking and transportation will be eliminated.
We are so eager to greet old friends and meet the new vendors at the dinner and ready to revel in all the great energy that is generated before, during, and after the event. The adrenaline is palpable and it's a rush that lasts for quite a while, for even after the event, people are posting on their blogs and sharing stories with one another.
So here we go....another wonderful, exhilarating, and enriching experience at Remnants of the Past! We are riding in in our new box truck which will be full of beauties to add to your collection and beauty of your home and garden.
We are looking forward to seeing YOU there! Saturday and Sunday October 8 & 9, 2011. Look for us in the outside area, Spaces T27 & T28. Our French flags will be waving for you!
Trinidad, Johan, and Martin
Wish I could attend this venue! Next time for sure!!! Have fun ~ sounds all so divine!!! :)
Would love to visit this event! Maybe some day....when I'm on my trip through the US, who knows.
I'm sure that you'll set up a beautiful ambience again and will enjoy to meet all your collegues.
Best wishes,
What a wonderful event - I wish I could be there.
I love your blog!
I just know there will be so much inspirational beauty at this event. I'll have to visit through the lens of all who photograph it. Wish I could attend. You'll be stars for sure.
I cannot wait to see everyone, meet new friends and work like a dog with the others!!! Most of all, I cannot wait to see the inspiration you and the boys will be bringing!!!
I can feel the excitement and thank you for sharing it! Someday, my friends, someday....
What a wonderful blog, Trino! You have painted such a beautiful picture of this fabulous event. So sorry I cannot make it... perhaps next spring. Best of luck and I look forward to hearing ALL about it! Drive safely, my friend.
Sounds like a wonderful event with loads and loads of gorgeous finds!
Wish I could attend.
Best wishes to you and your team, I shall not say it...(wish I was there.. ") oh well it slipped out..enjoy the drive there with your new wheels and thank you for sharing the excitement xoColette- Afrique du Sud
Wishing you the best of luck at the show, have fun guys!!!
Love your vignettes especially that first one. I'll be there in spirit and hope you sell lots!
sounds like a great event and would love to attend...but I know those who are lucky enough to be there are going to have a great time...
wishing you lots of fun!!
Wow... all I can say is
Wish I could be there... I'll have to experience it through your wonderful blog and photos!!!
Say Hello to Garrett and Tim and Lisa for me :)
Ahhhhhhh like a breath of fresh French air! So nice to see you posting Trinidad! It's always such a pleasure to see what you'll share next *winks* I know you're going to have a great sale! I hope you'll share pix for those of us who are DYING out here to see more!! Lol! Vanna
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as you can see, I'm speechless!
rock on boys!!
I am so sad that our schedules are just not matching up! I miss seeing you guys! It looks like everything was just beautiful...
Thank you all for all your comments...
It was a very successful show again and we are definitely grateful to all of you!
I'm excited to hear how everything went for you! I'm sure very well. Even though I am too sick to be there in body, I was there in spirit. :)
xo isa
Incredible!!! I so wish I could've come! Maybe some day :)
:) T
I saw you featured on two of my favorite blogs, Michele at summersoul, and Maria at Dreamy Whites! I LOVE everything and it all would look amazing in my home. Maybe someday I can come! I am your newest follower so I can check in on all your wonderful treasures. Any chance you start up an online store let me know!! :)
Olá! Seu blog é divino, encantado, amei visitá-lo, é tudo muito lindo e charmoso.
Beijos Eliza
Olá! Seu blog é um encanto, amei visitá-lo, tudo muito lindo e charmoso.
Beijos Eliza
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