
"They thrive on neglect!"

"They thrive on neglect!" said my friend Bob about succulents. Well, not quite, but they are very hardy. It seems that it is easier to kill a succulent by overwatering it than from not giving it water often. They are equipped to store water as to not wither quickly. Instead of "saving for a rainy day," they save water for dry days. They are NOT however very hardy in excessively cold weather.

Succulents we have on our patio

One nice thing about most succulents is that you can easily share them with others. A cutting can be easily planted and in no time it is growing roots.
It is also great that you can create an arrangement with succulents like a wreath or a dish with a variety of them and they only need to be sprayed with
some water.

Also easy to take to a antique fair, makes the booth attractive 

 These beauties can grow with very little soil so you can plant them in shallow containers and even on crevices of rocks and logs.

From our Blog Friend Karin of La Pouyette in France click here

My friend Melissa is a true artist when it comes to creating  beautiful containers with succulents, moss, shells. She is amazing!

 Arrangement and planter creation by Melissa Olona  

One of my favorite books on succulents is Designing with Succulents and two of my favorite local nurseries for succulents are Sierra Azul in Watsonville and 
A Succulent Garden in Moss Landing. And if you ever attend the Long Beach Flea Market at the Veteran's Stadium, look for Mike "the succulent guy," Mike is a wonderful, jolly man and he is great with succulents, which he sells very reasonably.

 Our own collection at home 

I have to admit that I do love them for how beautiful they are, but also because they are easy to take care of.


 Left picture: quickly some Lady Fingers in an old urn 
Right picture: taken a few years ago during a visit at the San Francisco Antique Show. 
do not know who created this.
Below: We have succulents in California as well at our place in Belgium. 


  1. Gorgeous photos! I love these versatile plants too. They look fantastic in the antique urns and pots.

  2. How extraordinarily lovely!
    I have tried to plant succulents here in Chicago but I have not had much luck (or they haven't, actually).
    Your friend is very creative and talented!
    I love the perspective trellis with the succulent table too.
    Hoping all is well...

  3. Hi Tri!!
    For a second there I thought...I've finally found something green that I could actually grow!....Only to be thwarted once again by pesky cold weather.....poop!Lol!
    I really love the architectural nature of succulents. They're kind of un worldly in a cool way dont'cha think? *winks*
    Well (as always) I can come here and soak up your beautiful images and dream....... Now I have to tell you moss is a whole different story here...got LOTS of that!*winks* Vanna

  4. These are not my favourites from the garden..... I'm really a lacy flower kind of girl. But you have made the succulents look so attractive mixed with all of your finery.

  5. I love it all....All that you do is beautiful....do you take the photos....they look professional...and the plants look so full and healthy...and combined with the antique urns and pots makes each piece perfect...you do good...Mr. T...lol

  6. Thank you for your comments. A special "Thank You" to Karin from "La Pouyette" for sharing her photos and Melissa for allowing us to post a photo of her design. For those of you in Nor. Cal. she will be showing and selling her designs at Goat Hill Fair in Sept. If you have a photo of how you create with succulents, send us a photo and we will do a follow-up posting on them! The possibilities are endless.


  7. So beautiful! I have loved succulents since I started collecting them with my grandma... there was a place in San Jose called Hub Cap City (laughing yet?) they sold hub caps and succulents, it was a great place to find succulents at a reasonable price. Used to visit a place in Carpinteria too... It's been so long since I've been to both so I'm not sure if they're still there (just in case you're near those areas ever...).

    Your collection of plants and urns are inspiring and so beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us.

  8. Love those pictures of succulents. they don't do well here in Utah since we have a lot of snow, but I brought some from California and take them inside for the winter, which is like 8 months long, they do well inside. They look great in those urns. Thank you for this wonderful post!
    XXX Ido

  9. Everything you gentlemen touch is pure magic...I so enjoy your blog. I have tried succulents,over the years,with some success even in cold Colorado. Just must remember to bring the darlings in before the first frost. They certainly show well in your lovely urns.Thank you for your post.xxooMar

  10. Actually succulents don't mind cold we used to grow them in Illinois as a kid and now we grow them up in snowy NH. The trick is to plant them close to the house and then let them get covered in snow the snow acts as a blanket. All your pictures are stunning with all the varieties.

  11. Wonderful post! They are so lovely in all their soft subtle shades of blue and green. I once saw a wreath made with them in Martha Stewart Magszine, it looked fabulous. I love the last picture with the little face peeking out. Love Linda x

  12. You just described the perfect plant for us. We have a plant graveyard out back. Going to give these a try.
    Angela and Renee

  13. You show off! Ha you know I love you and your garden! I always think it is wonderful when people that don't know you and they refer to you as the guys with all the succulents in their booth... your trade mark! though others have copied you are the original! Have always loved your style and your blog is just as beautiful as everything else you do... love letters ~ Jacque

  14. Oh my goodness! I used to pass by the succulents in the nurseries as I thought they were rather boring but not any more!!!!! I truly can't believe you can create such beauty (but should have know better) with such unassuming plants. In England they have rather a stigma for being old fashioned (not in the good way) and certainly not plants one would normally associate with French antique planter but I have now seen the error of such thoughts!!!!! My favourite is the rusty brown variety you have shown in the planter with a similar shade on the rim - truly inspiring!!! I'm off to the garden centre! Hugs from an old farmhouse in England - Glenda xxxxxxx P.s. Johan sadly no I won't be going to the fair due to work commitments, how lovely it would have been to meet up and see the divine items you will be purchasing no doubt! Some day I hope it will happen! Happy hunting and love to Trinidad and Martin.

  15. Oh, those pictures are wonderful!

    I just posted a tutorial for starting a dish garden with succulents then saw your post that I had missed.

    Now I want even more varieties!

  16. Your post takes me to "Succulent-heaven", wonderful pictures! I'm dreaming for a long time to have the 'blueish' ones, just love them!

    Again - a very beautiful post with stunning photos and wonderful artistic arrangements!

    Thank you so much to include some of my images, very generous of you!

  17. Thanks for stopping by....Love your succulent post... wonder plants that not even I can kill and that's saying a lot! Of course the beautiful containers are what set yours apart from the rest...

    I hope to get up to one of your container sales soon!

    Thanks so much for sharing,

  18. I've really appreciated seeing this beautiful post. I use a lot of succulents in my hyper-tuffa containers in the summer and am wondering what you might recommend for winter care in a cold climate. I have tried so many techniques... a fair amount of water/very little water... natural light/artificial light... grow cooler/grow warmer... I always end up with extremely lanky plants and root new ones from the ends in spring. Do you have any advice on maintaining the plants in better condition through the many months of winter? Would I be better off taking cuttings in the late fall? Any advice would be greatly appreciated... thanks, Larry

  19. Hi Trinidad! I too love succulents and I just love how you have them in the old iron urns. The juxtaposition of the old weather urns against the angles and textures of the succulents looks wonderful. I think I am going to "borrow" this idea and plant one of my urns with them. xo
    Happy summer to you!

  20. Hi Trinidad - I loved this post. You know I love your succulents. You live in such a succulent friendly environment. I still have succulents I got from you. They are my favorite plants.

  21. Good morning folks! If you were a follower of Un der Spanish Moss, they are experiencing blogosphere issues and lost all their followers. Please re-subscribe. And if you haven't seen their blog. I highly recommend it. Thanks for all your support!


  22. I have to support quite a few obsessions and I was so determined that succulents were not going to be one of them!! But alas a friend asked me to help her plant a "deserty garden" for her husband and when I pointed out that I did not know much about succulents she merely exclamed "But you're a gardener!" So off I went to the library and granny google....and before long.. I was hooked and turned her so called deserty garden into more of a succulent forest as she call it now! Your succulent post is gorgeous with all the grand containers!! Oddly enough the post I just did today, the designer loves using succulents indoors as a decorating tool!


  23. gorgeous photos! I love succulents- I have to literally write down the day I water them so I only water them once a month- I tend to want to water them and baby them to death! If I ignore and water once a month all is well!


  24. I am the succulent queen, so you can only imagine how much these gorgeous photos made me happy! I'm a new follower of your blog--facebook friend, now follower. Come and say hi at vignette design sometime! ~Delores

  25. love all the succulents in pots and urns..so sweet and artistic looking..the hens and chicks do well in our zone 4 weather up in Michigan..
    as I child I used to carry one around as if it were a baby chick..eventually I planted it and it grew and made more... :)

  26. Your collection of succulent photos is wonderful and so creative. Stunning! I have been following your summer journey through Europe but haven't seen you since the Remnants sale. Will I see you this weekend in Long Beach? I hope so.

  27. Maravilloso post, me ha encantado la forma en que habéis sacado lo mejor de estas plantas para crear esos centros tan bonitos...felicidades!!

    Un abrazo muy fuerte


  28. WOW!

    Så vackert! Älskar!

    Många dagars tacksamhet!!!!

    Livsenergin flödar..... lust!!!!



  29. Love those succulents....so easy to grow and what an impact.

  30. Beautiful just beautiful!!
    Before I knew you I would always find you at the point by your amazing wares and your succulents. You loved and used them before they became so popular!!

  31. Those are just so beautiful in those amazing urns! I have always thought of succulents are being more "cute" than beautiful, but these leave me practically breathless! :)
